Starting to wonder if there’s something special about me that means I find it easy to spot potholes without the need for AI.
Afternoon perambulation. Zero ducks, just a distant glimpse of a wary moorhen. Ice on mere thinning but apparently still supports a sizeable log (not my work, ditto ball).
TIL about the key role the glymphatic system plays during sleep in flushing toxic molecules from the brain. A major incentive to improve sleep habits, I guess.…
Ventured forth somewhat tentatively. Down to 5 ducks (from 12). Hope others have found someplace better. Walking on grass ok but compacted snow on road very treacherous, effectively impassable for yours truly. #WirralWest
Still prevaricating over the New Year fitness thing, mostly by watching too many YT videos. However, did come across one potentially helpful plan covering cardio, resistance and mobility across the week for the over-50s (I wish). I’ll probably do more cardio, less resistance but at least it’s a strategy of sorts.…
A brief trip on the motorway that runs down the middle of the Wirral peninsula was quite magical. A snowy, frozen landscape of fields and trees seen through an early morning mist.
Before and after.
Had to go out for petrol. Stopped off at the mere on the way back. Frozen over much as expected.
Current status.
Distinctly chilly this morning but no sign yet of forecast sleet. #WirralWest
This year sees the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Stockton & Darlington Railway. More here: and
Liverpool forwards having some trouble keeping the ball down when shooting. Maybe Arteta had a point.
Ho hum, another no bins day and probably another tomorrow given the yellow warning for snow and ice til midday. #WirralWest
Good to see Pixelfed benefit from the Instagram exodus.
Compacted snow and slush predictably frozen overnight. Treacherous underfoot. #WirralWest
Anyone wanting to dip their toes in the waters now has as an even more affordable option.
Always gave Meta products a wide berth. Their recent announcement on regulation seems a serious fork in the road for users. Remains to be seen whether they shrug or jump ship.
Shovelled a bit of snow for the exercise. Showers might just clear the rest but half the time they’re hail. More sleet forecast for Thursday.
No bin collection today on our part of Wirral.…
Hmm, more snow albeit not as much as previously. Region had a yellow warning but I don’t recall a specific forecast of snow for the Wirral.
May have to revise my bingo card for UK 2025 given current shenanigans on a.n.other platform. Presumably there’s some ulterior motive but on the surface it’s desperately stupid. 🙄
Gentle perambulation. Tree down in cemetery, also first daffs showing.
First use of one of the fitness books, this one dedicated to stretches. Big benefit of this for someone relatively inflexible, ie yours truly, is that it provides a number of alternative variants for the same stretch, some more accessible than others.
Still dark but obviously an inch or two of snow. Pretty though it is I won’t be too sad if it doesn’t linger when the rain kicks in.
Currently sleet rather than snow on our part of the Wirral. Hoping it stays that way overnight.