MSC Tampa bound for Rotterdam amid the “Giraffes” this afternoon.
For those considering post-festive dieting, my advice is not to jam on the brakes. Instead, save the jam for buttered toast, scones and croissants.
All this talk of snow reminds me of an ill-judged attempt to cross the Pennines by minor roads many years ago. I did indeed end up in a ditch at one stage when the road ahead all but disappeared. Fortunately I managed to recover only to find that my entry into Sheffield was via a gradient virtually turned to glass by kids sledging. I doubt it’s possible these days and no bad thing.
Apparently Wirral cut back on its grit bins c2022, presumably on the basis of some kind of risk assessment.…
National broadcaster being a mite economical with the actualité in some of its US reportage.
Given the possibility of heavy snow, info on snow, salt and gritting from Rochdale Borough Council may be of interest.…
How seasonal, I seem to be on a health kick. Bought a couple of books (I can use them as weights!) and a replacement pair of sneakers on the assumption that I will ultimately wear out the current pair. Current status: invested, possibly delusional.
Whoa! Parks have come on a bit since my day (jumpers for goalposts etc). Game on for a spot of footy when the weather improves. Icy underfoot in places this morning, alas.
Steady downpour not inhibiting the pyrotechnics hereabouts 🎇
Happy New Year! Let’s hope it’s a good one. 🤞
Pleasure to make use of gift of RSPB membership to visit Burton again after a while. Many changes for the better and great cake and coffee in the “new” cafe.
Misc views of an unfinished OpenSim build of New Brighton Baths.…
Reading a bio I was gifted reminded me I was quite a pretentious teen. Proximity to London saw me attend a Stockhausen concert and see Marcel Marceau, The Black Theatre of Prague and Claire Bloom in Streetcar, mostly in the company of one or more amiable (and more knowledgeable) females. Quite à la mode for the time.
Gentle perambulation this morning. Murky but anti-fog on specs did the biz. If it’s quiet I slow-jog this slope. It was, I did.
Slowly binge-watching The Bureau aka The Agency in its US incarnation. Decent telly but not overly addictive.
Watching Liverpool v Leicester (I think) ⚽
Met Office forecast for Wirral is for misty conditions to continue until 6pm Saturday. Oh, joy.
Early morning mist on hillsides overlooking the Dee.
Back to the Dee to walk off a little of our Christmas excess. Welsh shore obscured by fog bank which later enveloped us too. Good to get out though.
Enjoying the BBC Radio 3 Choral Christmas Mindful Mix. Very seasonal and relaxing.…
Looking towards Chester, the path snaking left then right with steps down to the beach. Plenty of birds in evidence. We decided to give Heswall Field a miss in case it was muddy and retraced our steps.
Enjoyed a stroll along the Dee estuary at Thurstaston. Delighted to find the cliff path to Tinker’s Dell restored. An unexpected Christmas present. 🎁
With Seasonal Best Wishes!
Different Trains
Reminded of the Different Trains performance I attended EIGHT YEARS AGO at historic (1836) Edge Hill Station. The composer, Steve Reich, made a brief appearance at the end. Bill Morrison’s specially compiled video, some of it partially degraded, added a lot to the overall effect, plus the passing of actual trains. Delighted to find video of the performance which gives some impression of what it was like being there. A little more background from Parr Street Studios on context and pre-recorded elements.